Happy Anniversary, Bubbe Wisdom

I began this blog in November of 2010. I have posted 430 times and received 51,620 views.

Bubbe Wisdom:

Why call it Bubbe Wisdom? Bubbe is Yiddish for grandmother. When I was growing up a Bubbe was an old woman whose domain was her kitchen. She was known for her “bubbe-meises” old wives’ tales based on rumor, myth and superstition. Bubbe was dearly loved by all but never taken very seriously by many. I have taken on the name Bubbe determined to redefine it into something more appropriate to our times.

Wisdom is the application of perception and knowledge coupled with a profound comprehension of truth resulting in the ability to consistently produce optimum conclusions with a minimum of time and energy. For the seeker in me, wisdom is the new “bubbe-meise”.

In a recent New York Times article, Judy Collins put words to my aspirations: ““We’re never going to stop moving or growing. We’re never going to stop reading, we’re never going to stop looking for younger friends. We’re committed to being fit, to being intellectually challenged, and to our art.”

Follow Bubbe Wisdom for fresh contemporary discernment of body, mind and spirit.

Published by SilkQuilt

Pittsburgh-based fiber artist, Louise Silk, creates art that combines aesthetics and functionality with meaning and memories. From the influence of a 1972 MS Magazine article to the current SILKDENIM label, her quilt experiences culminate in a display of her particular capacity to use her patchwork skills to piece together just about anything into an aesthetic meaningful whole.

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